2nd Color |
Black, Blue, Red, Pink, Yellow, Brown, Aqua, Purple, Orange, Maroon, Navy Blue, Green, White, Beige, Grey, Peach Red, Golden Orchid, Light Pink, Copper, Dark Green, Purplish Red, Shiny Blue, Brown, Coffee, Rose Gold, Silver White, Silver Gray, Golden, Claret, Light Green, Big Red, Magic Gold, Rose Red, Coral Rose, Neon Green, Neon Purple, Neon Light Yellow, Neon Orange, Light Neon Orange, Neon Yellow, Neon Purple, Orange Red, Neon Pink, Neon Blue, Neon Pink, Bright Orange Red, Hot Pink, Chocolate |
Customize Your Body Scrub
Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E, Coconut Oil, Kokum Butter, Organic Cane Sugar, Rosehip Oil, Aloe Vera, Fragrance Oil.
Category: Body Scrub
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